Try this BEFORE filming your next vlog

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In the last email, I shared the importance of jotting down bullet points to give direction to your vlogs. Today, I want to take it a step further and transform those bullet points into a concrete filming plan.

Before you start thinking I'm about to suggest a full-blown, scene-by-scene script – relax! I’m not, haha. Vlogging thrives on authenticity and spontaneity, especially if you know you’ll be interacting with other people. What I'm proposing is a middle ground: a structured yet flexible approach.

Why a Filming Plan?

A filming plan, created from your bullet points, is your roadmap to capturing all the essential moments and topics. By planning ahead, you cut down on aimless footage and unnecessary fluff, making your editing process more streamlined and faster.

Remember, we don't want to spend ages going through random footage that would never make the final cut anyway. This focused approach also ensures you capture every key point in your vlog.

How to Create Your Filming Plan:

Prioritize Your Bullet Points: Some points might be more important than others. Decide which are must-haves and which are "nice-to-haves." This can be a lifesaver when you're on a tight schedule or when surprises pop up.

Identify Key Locations: If you're moving around, think about where you'd like to discuss specific topics. Different settings can add mood and context to your content.

Leave Room for Spontaneity: Plans are great, but sometimes the best moments are unplanned. If something interesting or unexpected happens, roll with it. It could end up being a great opener for your video!

Your Next Action Step:

Before your next vlog, take just 10 minutes to jot down three key bullet points you want to cover. You can do more, but aim for at least three. Then, film your vlog keeping those points in mind. You'll be amazed at how much more focused and streamlined your content feels.

Remember, the goal isn't to restrict your creativity but to enhance it. With a bit of planning, you can ensure your vlogs are cohesive, engaging, and a true reflection of your experience and the point you’re trying to get across.

Catch you next time!

Tamara 😊

Tamara Gabriel

Join over 3,500 video creators receiving free insights, advice, shared experiences, and tips along this solo content creation journey.

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